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Sunday, April 25, 2010

“There Was Never Any Pay-day For the Negroes”:

This is a link to a letter written by an ex-slave to his former Master (who was wishing for his return) asking for back wages for he and his wife. The tone of the letter is classic and fully rises to Today's Barf Stew Tag.

More Below:
Ar'n't I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South
The Underground Railroad: Authentic Narratives and First-Hand Accounts

Here's real Barf Stew for you - the plastic vials and even petri dishes that scientists have been using for DNA analysis - have been leaking DNA into the results - Plastics hamper DNA assays

Sometimes, technology can bring real results - this link may be one indication about solving the parking problem in urban areas - StreetParkNYC and Roadify Run on Mobile Technology and Parking Philanthropy - Stewable.

In other news - in the Gaza Strip - Gaza facing genie hysteria - yes, real Barf Stew GENIES are setting fires it seems -

Finally, it's Sunday Morning - and in the CBS news morning show tradition - lets take a leisurely look at one of mankinds real neighbors. The Orangutan. Very Stewy.

I have more links here - .
Or, check this out if you have used books you don't intend to read again - Sell Books Online at

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