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Monday, April 26, 2010

"Moreover, Today’s UFO Hippies Create Blogs or Web-Sites With A Jokey Overlay or Name"

A UFO blog/website with a Jokey Name? Now, who would do that?

(To know more about my `hippies' side - )

Today's title is a direct quote from another UFO blog slicing up the `competition' in this pompous post
A post certainly rising to Today's Barf Stew Tag. (Make sure to read the comments.)

In other Barf Stew phenomena - Nova Scotia's Phantom of Parker Road - .

More first person accounts of high strangeness - with Claws -Cryptids with Claws: Monsters of the American South -

Fortean Times (October 2009) Tales of Mass Hysteria; Alien Riots; Possessed Nuns; Indian Cat Girls; Smurf Terror; Crop Circles of 2009; Synagogue Spook; Lizard Man Murder; Mothman John Keel Tribute; Megalithomania; Lodowicke Muggleton Part 1 (FT253)

And, today's Barf or Stew UFO Video:

I hope I entertained you -- tons of posts just as good as this if you go to front and page down -- tons of UFO videos to Barf about.

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