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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bigfoot Mating Season Underway In Florida Everglades

To me, the reports like this, will someday be treated like the `reports' of flying objects in 1897. People will look back and say `did that newswire run that story as a hoax to get attention'? - Nevertheless, Barf Stew would like to spread the info about the less than 10 population base of Skunk Apes - the link has more Stewy details and easily breeds Today's Barf Stew Tag.

"Southern Fried Bigfoot"  Read More.

Fantastic Orb Video - England Pub Security Camera. - To Barf Stew - Orb videos like this one are very persuasive of high strangeness.

I have tons of cool YouTube videos on this site - look around -

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