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Sunday, May 2, 2010

CNN: Experts Say Aliens Real! We've been working with them for over 50 years now!

Yep, indeed this is a CNN report (Wolf Blitzer, just back from santa's sleigh) about `news within the beltway' - a conference that involved 14 `authorities' on the subject - such as the former liar and governor of Arizona when the 1997 Phoenix Lights occurred. (I don't put official government liars names in print.)

Anyway, to think that F-ing CNN is going to be the `source' of alien disclosure -- certainly rises to Today's Barf Stew Tag.

The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptics Discovery that We Are Not Alone - More here at this link.

One of the continuing Barf Stew mysteries to paranormalists - are crop circles - and here is an incredibly informed article that really lays it out - Of Flattened Flora and Expulsion Cavities: The crop circle controversy continues -  Great Sunday read for you.

Crop Circles: The Bones of God - More here at this link too.

Now, as my readers probaby know - The Phoenix Lights were indeed as mysterious an event as has happened with UFO's in the last 60 years -- and - if you are not aware - Dr. Greer of Exopolitics fame claimed in his book that the Lights were FOR HIM. Now, another Barf Stew claim has arisen 13 years later - and this man claims the Lights were for HIM -

Here's something that is simply cool - a timeline of the evolution of Earth - this Barf Stewable link really hits home at how late Mankind is to the whole Earth game -

In real news: National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill - oh, you say that your local news source hasn't mentioned this yet? I wonder why? LOL. (pussy-whipped media perhaps?) Total Barf.

And, easily - today's MOST flipped out blogfind goes to - Alien Abduction – The Blog - with a sub-title of How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and My Mother – By Chuck Weiss - and, at the blog he is now up to his 109th post about how aliens have influenced his life so far. Barf Stew for sure. (Do note, some Stew too.) Finally, the guy DOES provide a FREE link to his E-Book.

A very naughty, sexy, picture -

I figured I'd end today with this entertainment from `beyond' - and that is the STRANGE symbols of the Stephenville Texas UFO incident.

Texas UFO Tales: from Denison 1878 to Stephenville 2008
 -- And, here is a DVD about it.

Did you enjoy today's Barf Stew? Please send this link to a buddy - .

1 comment:

  1. The CNN link at the top after the first article isn't working. Please fix.


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