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Friday, May 7, 2010

Erik Stitt - Paranormal Experiencer - New Thought Provoker

As I recently did here at Barf Stew for Bruce Duensing - featuring his thoughts and links for a day - Today I'd like to look at a `new', very prolific, paranormal blogger - bursting his ideas (and experiences) into the esoteric plane of awareness only since late 2009 - Erik Stitt. Like Bruce, Erik loves to explore realities structures incorporating his experiences and viewpoints with possible theories for all to read. Writers like Bruce and Eric are mind candy for some of us.

This tagcloud copy and paste will give you an idea of how he codes his material.
archiving Article ATS audiogeist black forest blog directory blog roll blogosphere california colorado contact contact t-shirt Erik Stitt EVPs exopolitics Friedman futurist ghosts Giant UFOs Greer investigating Jeffrey Ritzmann Jeremy Vaeni Mac Tonnies gone message board message boards Mike Stitt missing time MJ-12 Nazi UFOs opinion poll orbs paranormal Paranormal documentaries Paranormal Documentary paranormal investigation paranormal study Paratopia Paul Kimball Podcast Podcast Review Podcasting Podcasts Reel Weird research Review science fiction author search function silverwood lake s.r.a. site directory Stacy Lowery steve lee The Black Fridays The Other Side of Truth Tim Binnall transhumanism trickster twitter ufo UFO documentaries UFO Documentary UFO Dogfights UFO Hunters UFO's UFOs video reference library voting Wes Owsley Zorgys

The above noted - his writings are much more esoteric than the above tagcloud would suggest - and - today, I pick up on three posts that I bookmarked from just the last few weeks. And, like with Bruce Duensing's material last week - I will comment in some manner about each link of Erik's that I highlight.

First up - Chasing Coyote: The Ghost in the Skull - . Now, part of good paranormal writing is having the cool title - check.

In this post, as in many of his other posts, Erik reveals - "The childhood my brother and I had was very interesting and at times terrifying to say the least. We, together have seemingly experienced almost the entirety of the paranormal realm and its unorthodox offerings at one time or another and sometimes multiple events at once! Things flew around our room, the whispers chattered, the temperature grew cold and the blue light flooded through the windows. My brother and I watched and unwillingly participated in these horrifying events until we were both well into our teenaged years.

some of the more bizarre events his experienced with others, in this case his brother. But, his article is used to posit the idea that the phenomena beyond the normal consensus may be caused by the individual themselves as a bi-location-connectedness of oneself to reality. "By relating to an identity, we are forced conceptually to look upon everything around us and in us as Other Than. I don’t think it is. It is this sense of Other Than, in my opinion, that is both the progenitor and the harbinger of the fear of it; fear of the separate and unknown or Unknowable thing. Fear that is unfounded if one were to maybe accept the possibility that the bad, bad thing is actually one’s self. At once it becomes innocuous and inane as a mere cerebral contrivance of ether and pith.

Erik however does allow for it not to be self-based phenomena too "another postulate and speculative guess comes to mind because as I stated earlier, knowing the thing only seems to make it more separate with the ever-unnerving stance of Other Than perception. To me, THAT is the Trickster. That fleeting sense of Other Than instead of More Of Myself in constant horrific and morphing manifestation is, to my way of thinking, the illusive Coyote; the skinwalking shapeshifter preying upon the archetypal arsenal lying in waiting within your subconscious mind.

Interestingly, Erik gives a possible reason for his Trickster entity as being a accumulation of forces/consciousnesses - just as I spoke about a quantitative basis of consciousness in Could the Human Population Level `Trip' Cosmic Consciousness?

All in all - accessible thinking, well explained, with plausible ideas.

Post two - The Paranormal: Believing the Reality You Have Created - Erik's post easily passes the great title requirement again - check.

Frankly, in this post - Erik sounds more like a Zen person than an outside the box thinker; "Most go through life thinking that all around them is without them. This is inside out perception. Literally. All, and I mean ALL, is within YOU. All comes to you. All comes from you. You do not understand? Rest in that which does not understand and that is still it (thank you Ken Wilber). There is nothing YOU are not.

That said, the above is only a sliver of a long essay making this point in many accessible ways. -- My comment from my brain - more `into' phenomenology - would be that - indeed - the NOW of our perception can be found only within ourselves - and, it indeed is attached to the `out there'.

And, finally, post three - The Undoing of Science in Ultimate Subjectivity - - dig the title once again. Check.

To me, this post is what the title of the last post was supposed to be - a diving into ideas of subjective reality and belief. Interesting esoteric opinions. Again, to me, Erik extends a little far into one direction - but - since I have only skimmed the surface of his writings - this may be nothing more than his writing style. Indeed, I found this thought experiment of his to be fun to read - makes me wonder if he has read Joseph Chilton Pierce or some phenomenology such as Sartre or Husserl.

So, if you are looking for a new, interesting, blogger on esoteric thoughts - make sure to include The Paranormal Experiencer on (or to)  your bookmarks.

Being And Nothingness - Here's some Sartre.
 - Here's some Pierce.

Finally, check this product out - how cool.

A final click -
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  1. I am ever so humbled. Thank you so much for the positivity and thoughtfully deep looking into my work. It is my only wish to have it read and mulled over. To have it actualize something in someone is an unforeseen benefit to us all.

    Cheers and Gratitude beyond measure,


  2. Erik - you are welcome. THANK YOU for your writings - I intend to dig deeper into your material someday than what is here. Keep up the great work.



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