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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monster Fish - A Reel Story

This is the monster freshwater catch that took six years - one heck of a fish tale here that easily hooks Today's Barf Stew Tag.

Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Sharks and Other Sea Monsters
 - Barf Stew Entertains

Here' either a Bigfoot/wildman report from the 1800's or another tall tale of Barf Stew - You Decide.

Here's the case, with picture, for Mars Pond Scum --- -- has NASA provided the evidence without the analysis that proves it? Does this logic and photo do just that? Real Barf Stew for sure. (Hattips on the last two to

Every once in awhile it's important to get back to the roots of weirdness - Charles Fort. Here's an in-depth look into his life and findings of weirdness - Fortean Events ARE Barf Stew.

Miss World Swimsuit picture - an unforgettable one for sure - Totally Stewworthy.

Finally, as we often do - we will end with something that Lon Strickler is following - in this case a guy who has video of portals opening for 3 1/2 foot grays into his home (fooled by fog machine) - The Eckhart Encounters - New Evidence - actually, what I see is an Orb photo. Nevertheless, Stewable.

Finally, jumping the gun on music Friday - is another obscure favorite of mine - Crawler.

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