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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do Banks Face Financial Doomsday In 2012?

Sometimes, the Real Heavy Politics of how the banks F'-ed up the monetary system itself - boils over into the Barf Stew - especially when we can tie it all conveniently to the 2012 meme. - as the shit hitting the fan in about 2 years mocks Today's Barf Stew Tag. --- Where I really let the politicians have it.

Now, here's a guy out filming often with an IR camera and is coming up with interesting stuff to say the least - Video UFO Squadron Over Oakland California - his idea is that these crafts are OURS - Stew over that - (with video) -

Sexy photo - -- about as HOT as they come on a PG site. Barf Stew Entertains.

Time Travel Photo - - Amazing photo of the FlatIron Building in NYC in 1905 - very stewable.

And from the Barf Stew you can't make this stuff up file - Want Ad: Unemployed Need Not Apply - find out why MORE and MORE places only want to hire those already employed -

These 2012 folks just get nuttier by the F-ing day - Feeling Strange This Week? Our Ascension May Have Begun! - Barf Stew read for sure.

In other non-news --- Informal UFO/ET disclosure now happening in leaked UFO/ET reports via U.S. Capitol Police - -- Now, here's the little twist to this Barf Stew story written by one of the Exopolitics Folks -- I fairly often have the U.S. Senate Sergeant-at-Arms in my data points about MY UFO blog too - Barf it up.

Finally, here's a real interesting video about what motivates folks - Stewable for sure.

More links:
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Btw, I have over 150 posts now on Barf Stew - to cruise thru them JUST for the great YouTube's should be a good motivation - start here for much more - - then, tell a friend about Barf Stew. Thanks. Spew the Stew.

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