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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saudi Clerics Advocate Adult Breast-Feeding

As you know, Barf Stew surfs the very edge of edginess to bring you headlines which often seem impossible - like the one above. But, alas, the country our politicians are subservient to remains embroiled in words of so-called religion books of eons ago. Even if the book suggests feeding unrelated adult men five satisfying meals of breast milk. Is THAT Barf Stewy enough for you? And, oh -- the only real debate in this must read article is whether the UN-related males should drink directly from the woman's breast or from the breast milk already in a cup.

Was Australia's saturday morning `UFO Spiral' the USA's SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket? - these `spirals' are getting stewable - after all - we certainly have been launching `rockets' for decades and this hasn't been a major feature before. With Pic.

Now; regular readers know that I've been keeping them abreast Lon Sticklers revelations about one man's supposed alien encounters - here's more - The Eckhart Encounters - Reptilian Emerging From Portal - with Barf Stew pic -

The 1996 `running' Bigfoot tape - revisited - Barf Stew for sure - - with video.

Sexy Pics - Oh, those Auto Shows and the bikini girls that promote the cars -

Thanks for today's visit -- my sidebar awaits -->

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