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Monday, June 7, 2010

Totally Bogus UFO Report

I guess it must be fun to totally make up a `UFO Report' - evidently. Indeed, in the one I'm about to `review' for you - you will find out just how bogus and filled with Barf Stew some of these are that get reported in the internet`s paranormal scene. First the link - .

As you can see by the title of the link - it suggests a UFO hovering just barely over a road - actually, one of the nations busiest interstate highways. - Now, let's take a look at this Barf Stew hoaxer. First, the report opens with these words: "Two Georgia witnesses traveling southbound along I-75 near Atlanta's "spaghetti junction" - sounds simple enough - right? ONE problem, I-75 isn't near `spaghetti junction' -- as spaghetti junction is at I-85 and I-285 - about 9 miles from I-75.

Now, before you think this is a simple error --- EVERYONE IN ATLANTA KNOWS THIS LOCATION AND NO ONE - EVER - WOULD MAKE THE ERROR AS TO SAY IT WAS ON I-75. EVER. --- Next, the hoaxer goes on to say: The entire sighting lasted about 3 minutes.-- OH, PLEASE -- at this point-I was right in far left lane nearly completely stopped on 75-which is a very busy expressway!). -- OH, Please!!!!!

First, as I said, I-75 is not part of Spaghetti Junction, -- someone approaching the real Spaghetti Junction would NOT be able to observe this in the HOV lane for 3 minutes without being rear-ended (I-85 does indeed have an HOV outside of outerbelt) --- AND -- if it were true, on a Saturday night at 11PM - IF something hovered over SJ for 3 minutes -- 100's and 100's of cars would pass the location.

Isn't it a little strange that NO one at all also saw this -- a number that would easily be in the hundreds over three minutes? Isn't it a little strange that Not ONE of the multitudes of highway cameras at I-85/I/285 picked this UP?

Oh, that's right -- it wasn't at SJ as I-75 South just outside of Atlanta's outer belt `doesn't even have an HOV lane' (it starts about a mile inside the outerbelt on I-75) -- and if anyone stopped in the speed lane on I-75 south approaching I-285 - they would be DEAD. (As they would on I-85 too.)

Anyway, just consider this a RANT about yet another bogus UFO report - that unless someone is knowledgeable about a given area - might sound credible.

What a spewing  of BARF.

(As an aside, S.J. is HUGE and HIGH and totally lit up with Huge Overhead Highway lamps - the top level has to be 100-150 feet in the air at the top - so, this `ufo' would be at least 150-200 feet in the air. It would also stick out like a sore thumb.)

Fakers: Hoaxers, Con Artists, Counterfeiters, and Other Great Pretenders

Now, for some Entertainment.

Eat up some juicy morsels on my sidebar before you leave today --->

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