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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Amid Lack of Jobs, Suicide Hot Line Calls Surge

Our cool calm and collected President insists that he is leading the economy in the right direction - too bad not one person with an ounce of sense believes even a word of the BARF he says anymore -

And here I was under the impression that the Drones were dis-proven years ago - Barf Stew for sure - or this link too - the whole Drone saga reminds me of the alien autopsy saga.

Oh, BTW, as you know, I cover the `Bigfoot Mystery' on this blog - and have my own slant which I have provided many times. And, with a website name like Barf Stew - one would think I would be jumping at the chance to bring you an `internet story' that is big right now about Bigfoot being confirmed as living in a senior citizens backyard - yes, an old codgers backyard. Oh, I should add, - it's actually a Family Of Bigfoot that includes infants. Oh, not only that - it has been going on for some time - perhaps a long time. Evidence so far you ask? An old codgers yarn! (UPDATE-SUNDAY 1:09)

(link -

Another Barf Stew (BS) internet story right now is that one of China's Airports got shut down the other day and this picture represents the reason. More pics here - and here's more -

And here is a seriously sexy link - - you probably don't want to open this at work. That said, no nudity is the BS rule - just tease.

One more sexy pic - it is the weekend and Barf Stew Entertains -

How about a BS UFO video - the Flying Apt. UFO - Unique.


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