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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Robins Literally See Magnetic Fields

It seems that scientists are closing in on the ways birds find their way around the world - a molecule called Cryptochrome (I love that it has Crypto in it). This link provides the research basis for making the claim and it is a very Barf Stewy read you will enjoy. Some cool pictures at this link shows what the birds actually see too.

Meanwhile, other Stewworthy research indicates - Marijuana Smoking Associated With Minimal Changes In Driving Performance, Study Finds - here's a quote from the link:
"Average speed was the most sensitive driving performance variable affected by both THC and alcohol but with an opposite effect," investigators reported. "Smoking THC cigarettes caused drivers to drive slower in a dose-dependent manner, while alcohol caused drivers to drive significantly faster than in 'control' conditions.'"
Next, you say that you want to be challenged this weekend with a real intense read - right? Well, here you go - The “Spirit or Alien” Question - - quoting from the link:
“A century and a half after Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species, the origin of life itself remains a stubborn mystery, and is deeply problematic. The simplest known living organism is already stupendously complex, and it is inconceivable that such an entity would arise spontaneously by chance self-assembly....However, the key properties of life — replication with variation, and natural selection — do not logically require material structures themselves to be replicated. It is sufficient that information is replicated. This opens up the possibility that life may have started with some form of quantum replicator: Q-life, if you like.” Totally Stewable. It also reminds me of one of my favorite intellectual reads called Quantum Evolution.

Check These Two Links For Much More Intense Reading
Quantum Evolution: How Physics' Weirdest Theory Explains Life's Biggest Mystery (Norton Paperback)

Here's more GREAT reading material from Lon Strickler - 'Doomsday Ark' to be Stored on the Moon - Toolkit for Rebuilding the Human Race -

From about 2000-2005 my favorite website was Fortean Times - here's a recent Barf Stew post by them of ICE falling out of the sky. - well written with tons of details.

A movie about R. Buckminster Fuller - Stewable. -

How about another Super Hottie? Sure -

Short Shorts at the mall - A Male Favorite - Barf Stew Entertains.

Finally, Barf Stew Suggests:
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