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Friday, July 9, 2010

Does The Military Of World Governments Create Crop Circles?

If you are interested in the crop circle phenomena - you might be interested in this Stewworthy piece by the one and only Forgetomori. Be prepared for an intense read  - and here's a related post - a five part series with MORE UFO photos like the one you see above. However, it seems to me that both could be right - what if the UFO's being seen are indeed - `the military' in some manner?

Or, perphaps you wanted Forgetomori to explain how the above happens?

Meanwhile - in other BARF - Federal Government Helped Pay Home Air-Conditioning Bills for Federal Employees, Prisoners and More Than 11,000 Dead People - - Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it?

Here's some Barf Stewy research - Teens more productive when school starts later -

Recommended Barf Stew Book -
In Search of P.D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff

How about an over the top sexy blond for today's picture?
Bet you bookmark this one.

More sexy tease:

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