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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Facebook Blocks Ads For Pot Legalization Campaign

Some ideas that aren't even radical get censored in America routinely - this is but yet another example of such - read all about it as Barf Stew spreads the spew -
Facebook For Dummies
The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World
Facebook: The Missing Manual

Here's yet another example about Pot news being suppressed by the MSM - The Growing Evidence of Cannabis’ Cancer Curing Properties - - as you know, the MSM would much rather talk about pink ribbons. Barf Stew.

In other news about the powers that be flexing their muscle - 'Pain Beam' to Be Installed in LA Jail - you see - it was deemed too harsh for wartime use on enemies - total Barf here - read all about it as you are unlikely to find the MSM talking about this much -

Oh, do you see the `award' that Barf Stew won for one of the top paranormal blogs (top of sidebar) - well, 3 of the sites on the listing feature writers on that cool new blog called The C Influence. TCI features ONE seed post a week and then the paranormal bloggers talk about the seed - cool idea, huh? Anyway, here's the latest seed post idea - Parapsychology Very Stewable.
Digging Inward:
An Introduction to Parapsychology
The Parapsychology Revolution: A Concise Anthology of Paranormal and Psychical Research

You say that you come to Barf Stew for the paranormal stories? Well, wait no more - Lair of the Beasts: On the Trail of the Houston Batman -

And, while the Houston Batman can disappear for 50 years, - US military's top secret X-37B shuttle 'disappears' for two weeks, changes orbit - - very stewworthy.
Batman the Escape Rollercoaster, Astroworld, Houston, Texas, USA , 48x72

Time for the sexy stuff at Barf Stew - how about a waterpark hottie? OR, a hot tennis girl?
Barf Stew Entertains.

Some come to BS for the girls, some for the paranormal, and some for the UFO stuff.

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