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Friday, August 27, 2010

Earth's Helium Could Be GONE In One Generation

Amidst the on-going stupidness of our bloated government and near worthlessness of one party politicians - we find out this:
humanity is squandering the Earth's supply of the second-lightest element in the known universe, helium, at a rate that could deplete our reserves in only three decades..... You see, back in 1925, the government decided to stockpile all available helium in a giant underground well near Amarillo, Texas. The US National Helium Reserve, as it's now called, is now by far the largest store of helium left on the planet, containing nearly 50 percent of the world's reserves.... In 1996, Congress, in its infinite wisdom and apparently seemingly infinite supply of helium, decided to sell off the entire reserve by 2015 to recoup some financial losses -- all of it! Following the law of supply and demand, a concept that was apparently not well understood by the political class of the mid 90s, that resulted in an artificially low price for helium....In effect, Congress' decision to dump its helium onto the marketplace has had a worldwide effect. "You might at first think it will be peculiarly an American topic because the sources of helium are primarily in the US, but I assure you it matters of the rest of the world also," ....helium is quite useful in all sorts of operations like cooling nuclear reactors, detecting infrared radiation and MRI scans ......So why not just make more helium, right? Because helium is a non-renewable resource, one that cannot be manufactured by man. That seems an important thing to emphasize.
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right? AND, want to re-elect those same decision makers again and again, RIGHT? - Total Barf Stew folks -

And speaking of voting for worthless politicians - it was 90 years ago yesterday that women got that `privilege' - AFTER protests like the one below.

 And, speaking of women liberation - here's a must read about a lady pulled over for `too dark windows' by the cops - who then find - a vibrator on her lap and a porn video playing on the seat beside her - more Barf Stew at the link - Woman Nabbed For Auto Erotic Crime -

And, speaking about the police being able to `see inside' - comes this - Politican worried about vans that can peek into cars and homes - 500 fucking vans are already out there - the barfy police state looms.

And, speaking about advanced science - Bruceleeeowe once again brings you a REAL winner of a science link - almost all of which is stewable. - Bruce is also a writer at The C Influence.

And, at the edge of science - comes this - Is Remote Viewing Good For Viewing UFOs, Ghosts, and Sea Monsters? - Barf or Stew; it's up to you.

And, speaking of UFO's and High Strangeness - UFOs Seen in Alabama - this is a GREAT Barf Stew read.

Indeed, you may not even have caught a wiff of this story - but - believe it or not - some parts of the MSM have turned their attention to UFO's during this slow news period - Stories in Pictures: Where are all the UFO Photos? - Barf Stewish.

Sexy Photos? Yep, it's time - here's an `open' invitation - OR,

Finally, is this Barf Stew science - or not.

The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?


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