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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Falling Star - Fiction For You

Every once in awhile bloggers such as myself correspond with those who read and like our works as bloggers. Such is the story for today's headline - this gentleman was in touch with me awhile ago about a story he had written - here is a summary - Falling Star is about mysterious objects buried deep in the ocean that come to life and start sending signals to outer space. The main character Mike is pulled back into a super secret government agency to deal with this issue, but is attacked by gangs of ordinary looking Americans bent on killing him. On top of everything else, Mike learns that a revered friend Johnny has died. Will the death of Johnny mean that the secrets of these mysterious objects will forever remain in the dark?

Sounds good - doesn't it? Anyway it is now a Kindle book on Amazon - Oh, you don't even have to own a Kindle; Amazon will supply a free Kindle reader for your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, or Blackberry at .

He also made this video - all this for you The Barf Stew Reader.

Meanwhile, in other signs the Obama economy is robustly recovering - Back to School? Bring Your Own Toilet Paper - Yes sir - for the second time in a week Barf stew gets to talk toilet paper concerning the cesspool mess the politicians have made of our once strong economy.

Now, most BS readers are aware that some `abductees' claim to have been implanted with `tracking devices' -- and, as time has went onward - some of these `items' have been removed from people. Here's an examination of some data about these devices that is indeed possibly disturbing - guess who might be behind it? - Yepper - the government boys - Barf or Stew? You Decide. Alien Implants - Shocking Truth! - Video explains -

Remember that Wizard Of Oz song - If I only had a brain? Funny.

As BS readers know, I monitor a young mans Physics blog to bring you the best in speculative and not so speculative physics - and once again, Bruceleeeowe has brought BS readers a real treat - Key To Space Time Engineering: Huge Magnetic Field Created - Stewable.

Digging Deeper:
Quinta Essentia: A Practical Guide to Space-Time Engineering
Biogeography: Introduction to Space, Time, and Life

Here is another deep deep look at `time' - --  A very stewable blog - this article called Time of the Universe is slowing down and de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - and includes a link that says this:the basic message is that the Universe is information while energy and matter are a holographic projection from the two dimensions of information -- As I said, Stewable.

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