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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Japan, Checking on Its Oldest, Finds Many Gone

Gone gone. Like, dead for decades gone. Like scamming the government for checks for decades long gone. - So, much for the long lived Japaneese Barfola - Stewable for sure - How much is this going on HERE? -


Meanwhile, in what passes as a couple day story on the MSM - California Cities Struggling Under Wave of Corruption - barfy words from this link include:
political decisions as the Bell City Council approving a contract that gave its manager 12 percent annual pay raises, 28 weeks of vacation and sick leave, and an annual pension of more than half a million dollars.....the third city in the arc, is an oddity of a place. It exists to serve factories and warehouses and, with fewer than 100 residents, has been the personal fiefdom of the Malburg family for a half-century. But its longtime city manager, Bruce Malkenhorst Sr., was making more than $600,000 a year before he retired amid corruption investigations that eventually led to his indictment (he's awaiting trial
makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right? Barf Stew Does Politics.
More About the topic:
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy

You say you like coming to BS for a good paranormal read? Here's another Lon classic (placed in Michigan) - The Paulding Light Mystery / The Blue Child Spirit - includes videos -

And, here's a cool blog, and story, about the old term `dead ringer' - great read - The fact and fiction of Dead Ringers - Stewable, stir well.
Dead Ringers

I don't think that if you put the material of these 3 swimsuits together that it would even make one baby shirt - maybe not even a bib. Today's sexy picture -
Barf Stew Entertains.

Barf Stew recommends:
Gurdjieff and Hypnosis: A Hermeneutic Study

Oh, you have checked out that great new blog that is done by multiple bloggers of the paranormal, right? - Here's your chance to bookmark it - VERY Stewable.

Let's see BS today has covered politics, paranormal, sexy, --- I know, how about a box to communicate with the dead -

Oh, and don't forget to click that new book by a BS reader - Falling Star (The Watchers) that I featured just yesterday.

So, a little bit of Science Fiction mixed with a little BS naughtiness :

More Esoteric Reading at - are you into The Heavy Stuff?

Please visit my sidebar before you leave too. Thanks.

If you were entertained - and this is a daily thing for you - I'd love for that dollar to get you onto the August Barfroll coming Sept. 1st - Give via palpay Donation button at the top of the page. Double Thanks.


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