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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Not Even ONE McMansion In The COUNTRY Sold In June Or July

And, with the Obama recovery (do realize that IMO the republinuts would have us in the same condition) in full steam ahead mode, comes this bit of real data - I'm sorry BS readers, but this is totally over the top and a must read - Barf Stew spreads the Stew about the real economic situation.
Mcwords: Mctwist, Mcdojo, Mcjob, Mcmansion, Mcdonaldization, Mcondo, Mcworld, Mcwords, Mcchurch, Mcbrother - this might make a good gift for someone.

Or, is this the right question - "Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?": America's misguided culture of overwork -
Barf Stew Does Economics.

Need some UFO news from the MSM - here's a review of the 2006 Chicago O'Hare incident - with video - Stewable.

Speaking of UFO's or ORB's - here's a great account of multiple sightings of an Orange Orb and the effects that happen when one sees one. Great writing by Regan Lee who also writes at The C Influence - that cool new paranormal blog by paranormal bloggers - Orange Orbs: Then and Now - Stewable.

One of the blogs I monitor for you - that is on the sidebar is called Strange State - and here is something that I have been wondering myself about the supposed `Black Eyed Kids' stories now afloat - could they all be made up? Barfy Stew here.

Here's my comments this week at TCI, The C Influence,  about our seed post called parapsychology Stewable. Look around, lots of discussion about the paranormal here.

Hold the presses - I've got a BLOGFIND for you - - paranormal, horror, and high strangeness. Stewable. You will spend the next hour here.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (35th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]

From horror to beauty - Ice Hockey Girls - SEXY -
OR, perhaps a motorcycle girl is your desire -

One of the first blogs to carry a link to Barf Stew was one concerned with Paranormal and Conspiracy - indeed, this is a very stewable blog - but, see if you can find the Barf Stew link on this page -

Finally for today - one last BLOGFIND - an EVP site with tons and tons of words from the dead - Barf or Stew - Up To You.

EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomenon: Massachusetts Ghostly Voices
Starter Ghost Hunting Kit with "Ghost Tech"

Sexy Video For BS readers - look around BS for many more sexy pictures and sexy videos.

Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!

BTW - The Barf Stew Sidebar ROCKS ---->

Finally, many times BS has ads for Psychic Readings, take a chance - have some fun with it. I dare you.

1 comment:

  1. wow, thank you for linking my blog. hope your readers enjoy some of my strange :)


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