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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

They Never Find Bear Bones - Say Bigfoot Supporters

One of the `answers' occasionally given by Bigfoot `believers' as to why the bones of a BF are not found - is that `you don't find Bear Bones in the woods either. Well, here's some of those Barf bones ready for Stewing - interesting read too -
Bear Bones Cap <---- Bear Bones Cap

Does Jupiter have a rocky core? - Or, is some research - Barf Stew? What is Truth? - from those fringe science folks at Thunderbolts.

Do you ever think that man isn't really sure how smart animals are? Just how smart is a Crow?

Crow Planet: Essential Wisdom from the Urban Wilderness

Still waiting for a good paranormal link today on BS? Wait no more as Bruce Duensing, also a writer on The C Influence, gives a great essay on the paranormal and how hard it is to determine what causes can be pinpointed - Stewable.

Paranormal State: The Complete Season Four

I'm sure that BS readers will love this site called `That's Poppycock' - Rx opiates tied to more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined - seems perhaps that the useless Drug War needs to look at the real death threats - Barf Stew does Politics..

Romancing Opiates: Pharmacological Lies and the Addiction Bureaucracy

Speaking of the drug politics of people seeking an altered state - Netherlands to Close Prisons: Not Enough Criminals - how many prisons would have to close in the USA if suddenly what people put into their body was a matter of self-choice? Stewable.

The Rough Guide to The Netherlands (Rough Guides)

Looking for BS's sexy pictures? Here's one - and here is another - if you like blondes - make sure to see these today.

A smart Crow and a Dancing Dog - BS Entertains.

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