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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Louder Than A Lawnmower

One of the endless bits of Barf the mainstream media (MSM)loves to entertain all of us with is the notion that some sound is `louder than a lawnmower' (or sometimes even a Jet) - and, recently the Sun Chips bag was identified as having that characteristic. - and when I again heard the term used - I cringed.

Then it hit me - since I have been listening to such Barf on many occasions over the years  - perhaps it was time for a google of the term. And, guess what - here's a list of what is louder than a lawnmower according to our media.

Vuvuzelas (that World Cup favorite) - louder than a drum, air horn and lawnmower.

Maria Sharapova's `grunts' - louder than a lawnmower AND a motorcycle

Cicadas are making enough of a buzz to violate Maryland noise limitations -

Portable Music Devices -  OR "iPods play music at up to 115 decibels, which is louder than a lawnmower" at

Kitchen Mixers -

Barf Stew also found claims of snores, cat purrs and GE dishwashers too being louder than a lawnmower.

Yet, certain things, which you would expect would generate more noise than a lawnmower - are claimed to be - NO louder than a lawnmower............... such as:

Pump jacks - "We only run our pump jacks for a few hours at a time, usually only once per week or month, and when running they are no louder than a lawnmower." -

Helicopter Landing Pads -

1929 Gipsy Moth (type of plane) -

Outdoor Casino Concerts such as the - Snoqualmie Casino concerts -

A Sawmill for the town of Greenfield -

A Racetrack -

80,000 People attending a rally for The Pope -

So, putting together the Barf Stew that the media wants us to swallow daily - wouldn't it mean that the Sun Chips bag is as loud or louder than 80,000 folks waiting to see the Pope, a Sawmill, or an outdoor concert?

And, isn't that about as intelligent as the MSM treats it's viewers and readers?

You may also like this Barf Stew sensation from earlier this month - about a Time-Traveler caught in a 1905 Photo - take a look - - also - take a look at the BS (Barf Stew) sidebar for much more.

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