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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Colbert and Stewart DC Rallies Outpacing Beck

Folks - this week the MSM sidestepped the UFO/NUKE's issue raised in a DC news conference - by focusing on a `bogus story' about the UN naming a representative from Earth to be our `Alien Ambassador'. Do you really believe that the MSM is going to give a rats ass about the ONLY actual truth tellers - comedians - allowed on the second tier MSM outlets? (If cable is to be considered such.) I assure you - the media will do everything in its power to make sure the message is muted in some manner - just as they did for the UFO story. Nevertheless, Barf Stew today gives you a couple links worth reading about the upcoming event at the end of this month. -- and here Obama gives his support to the idea -- amazingly, he doesn't understand the the `plea for sanity' will include the democraps.  and here - Stewart does a little of that - Barf Stew -- Does Politics.
A Plea for Honest Education and Social Sanity

Like this plea for sanity - 1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana -
1607: A New Look at Jamestown
A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America
National Geographic - The New World: Nightmare in Jamestown
Jamestown, the Buried Truth

And, for as much as BS (Barf Stew) complains about the politicians around here - I found this story about U2 rocker BONO to be EVEN WORSE BARF -- listen to this from the article:
the most recent year for which tax records are available, ONE took $14,993,873 in donations from philanthropists, of which a thrifty $184,732 was distributed to charity. More than $8m was spent on executive and employee salaries.

To BS - overpopulation of Earth - the unmentionable issue by politicians - is a major issue - and this Stewable article asks - What Will Earth Do With Another Three Billion Humans In Forty Years? -

Back to UFO's - and this post - Defending Roswell/UFO "witnesses" and Anthony Bragalia (in a roundabout way) - - I have lots of similar Roswell links at one of my Squidoo sites - look in the UFO section -

Here's a BS read from Sept. 11th that you might have missed - Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground -

If you can sit thru the 15 second pop-up - here's an interesting Barf Stew read - The Vatican and United Nations ready for Alien contact? -

Waiting for the sexy tease? - or

In science news this week - that New Earth - Earth-Like Planet Can Sustain Life - - Stewable.

Barfy Celebrity news includes - Simon Cowell Book is Most Often Left Behind in Hotels -  - (comes to mind - `they had to count them all' - Beatles)

And, I know you have been dying for some political commentary by Wheel of Fortune Pat Sajak - Barf.
Pat Sajak's Super Sudoku Featuring Code Numbers
Pat Sajak's Trivia Gems [Game Download]

Signed Sajak, Pat 8x10 B&W

How about a final UFO link for today? - Stewable.

That is - EXCEPT for this UFO car - (all of 226 views on 10-1)

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Weekends are a great time to explore - go to the front  page or bookmark for much more in the future. Thanks for your visits and clicks today.

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