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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sanchez Rant - Then Sanchez's Firing - Proves Rick And CNN Don't Get It

When Lou Dobbs left CNN - it seemed the last vestibule of common sense had left the building (IMO) of CNN; except for the pesky mid-afternoon guy Rick Sanchez - who seemed to be at least a loose cannon so to speak. That ended because of this rant by Sanchez on the radio about Jon Stewart and his being a bigot (this wasn't even on the TV and wasn't on CNN radio either):
"I think he looks at the world through his mom, who was a schoolteacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that," Sanchez said, according to transcripts provided by the radio program's blog. "Great, I'm so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle-class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine."

First - Sanchez doesn't get it in this manner; as Meredith Whitney said today on CNBC - the middle class - read, the white middle class and other middle classer's - are being `DE-Banked' - and squeezed out of the very system they F-ing BUILT. Sanchez, somehow, because of his ethnic orientation, evidently, doesn't see what is happenning in the USA as something bad as he percieves that HE has been the result of being held back. He views what is going on still as some sort of oppression of minorities - rather than the suppression of the middle class (of all races) -- THAT is how blind he is to simple economics. By what he sees as a BIGOT - give me a F-ing break.

Then, we hear that CNN has fired the idiot who actually is the one who is the bigot (unable to see past race) -- BUT - (because of their fear of the power of Stewart) turn it into a `words about Jews' situation? SAY WHAT? ---------- So, you mean that Sanchez - pointing out the the Jewish religion is NOT suppressed (which it isn't - as Sanchez says) who do indeed probably suffer minimal `discrimination' in America (as Sanchez says) compared to other `minorities' --- CNN says THAT is what got him fired? WTF? ------------------- So, CNN fires people who say true statements while NOT on their show -- if it is about Jews?

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Total Barf Stew folks - and here's a couple links for you to figure out your thoughts - and --- here's the facesaving `make-up' - and here is Christopher Hitchens take - called `Is it so offensive to note the effectiveness of the Jewish lobby? - Another Media Barf Stew.

Meanwhile, here's that link I referred to above from Whitney - Middle Class to Suffer Most From Bank Rules: Whitney - Very Stewable.

Meanwhile, the new normal brings us this 400% increase - Slip-and-Fall New Strike-It-Rich Scheme in Vegas - everywhere else it's just up 57% - MSM ignores the desparation - it doesn't fit their `storyline'. Stewable.

Not too likely to read this either - Fed, ECB Throwing World Into 'Chaos': Joseph Stiglitz - or this over the top link sent to me by Bruce Duensing - -- time for enlightenment folks. Stewable. Barf Stew Does Economics.


You come to Barf Stew for those hot steamy links - right? Well, here you go - No Flesh Guaranteed (Censored Porn 2) - some of the `strangest porn' - you will ever view - NSFW (probably) - Stewable. And another hot, steamy link in the same vein - - ScreenSaver? Prudes should NOT click the two above links.

Speaking of images - how about some time-travel to 1905 Coney Island!

Read about the `Starchild Skull' here - - getting stewable?

Here's an oddity - imagine sitting at a Vegas hotel pool and suddenly your hair smells like it is on FIRE - yepper - read about it here - Barf Stew.
The Unofficial Guide to Las Vegas 2010 (Unofficial Guides)

BS knows you had some titillation above - but here's the real thing - Barf Stew Entertains.

We end today's focus on Politics at BS - with this moving testimony.

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