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Friday, October 8, 2010

Super-Rich Investors Stocking Up Gold by the Ton

Must be their faith in the full steam ahead Obama Recovery, right? Oh, you say your hometown paper isn't covering this story - and that the MSM might mention it once and be done with the messy aspect of what the rich are doing? Well, Barf Stew is always ready to sling the slew - - Stewable, I assure you. You don't think that this has anything to do with the fact that the ultimate solution to the seemingly emerging `currency crisis' would be to take gold prices to 10K-50K an ounce do you? Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside right?

Meanwhile - Machines That Dispense Gold Bars Coming To The US - ONE gram bars - like you see above - first ones will go into Vegas (of course) - - barf stew.

Oh, if you still believe in the Obama Recovery - (like the super rich evidently) - you may want to read this before TSHTF - Global Collapse of the Fiat Money System: Too Big To Fail Global Banks Will Collapse Between Now and First Quarter 2011 - - Very stewworthy.
Global Financial Crisis
The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It

Yesterday I featured a link from Meredith Whitney about how the middle class was being `DE-banked' from the system - today - I highlight other words from this level headed woman - States Are Poised to Be Next Credit Crisis for US: Whitney - - Barf Stew does Economics.

And, with all the crappola above - it kinda makes you want to return to a simpler time - right? Like 1939 perhaps?

Have you heard about this comet that we may all be able to see with the unaided eye later in the month? Could it be - Approaching COMET HARTLEY the blue star according to the Hopi prophecy? -
Barf or Stew?

Here's a cool site and a great UFO video - 

Speaking of great - Blonds-Only Vacation Island Planned - - find out where at the link. Barf Stew.

BS is wondering if the island would have beauties like these - or anything as perverse as these `art prints'

Here's another print from the artist above:

(click to enlarge -
Barf Stew Entertains


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