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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Super-centenarians in the Roman Empire

Super indeed - like up to 150 years old -- very interesting read that is stewable - but ultimately could be a lot of barf. Still fun. - 
If I Live to Be 100: Lessons from the Centenarians
Centenarians: The Bonus Years
On Being 100: 31 Centenarians Share Their Extraordinary Lives and Wisdom
Earth's Elders: The Wisdom of the World's Oldest People

More edge science - are these cometlike features about the planet Venus? -

Here's a barf stew document and analysis twisted to mean some official position about coming into contact with aliens - First Contact’ Incident Response Team - 

First Contact - Edge Science? Well, you are describing this link from Bruceleeeowe - Extraterrestrial Contact: Answering the Question of How? -

Today's date is 10-10-10 (as you know) - a good date for an `alien intentional disclosure' - so, would your government be ready? - 

The google blacklist of words - barf stew.

Speaking of suppression at the big websites - is Facebook in that camp too? Barf or Stew?

Oh, btw - speaking of disclosure - UFO disclosure that is - The C Influence is all over it this week - - - - - twenty minutes of the best esoteric writing on the web. The C Influence Blog. Tell a friend about it too.


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