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Saturday, October 9, 2010

And, The Survey Says ..... 40 Combinations Of Sexual Behavior

Barf Stew loves surveys - BS loves sex surveys; like this one of 5,865 people between the age of 14-94. Now, I know you will read this link after highlights like:

Fifty-four percent of women reported having an orgasm when they engaged in only one sex act per encounter, whereas 89 percent of women who performed five sex acts during their last encounter had an orgasm.

So as to not delay you any longer -
this article above is siting this magazine as the source of your reading - (don't miss this gem in this issue - Nebivolol Dilates Human Penile Arteries and Reverses Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats through Enhancement of Nitric Oxide Signaling (pages 2681–2697)) Barf Stew - get a bib.
Sex in America
The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverent Survey of Sex in the Scriptures
Intimacy: An International Survey of the Sex Lives of People at Work

A Survey of Sex and Celibacy in Religion
The sex survey of Australian women

No reason to make BS readers wait for today's sexy tease after that, right? -- Call this one 40 women - 80 points of interest. - Barf Stew entertains. And, since it is Saturday - some extra entertainment that I bet you figure out how to use -

Ready for a longer weekend ParaNormal read - one with high strangeness? - The Daemon of Tedworth" 'Talking Poltergeist' Case (Part 1) - and here is similar material - Stewable. Befuddling.

UFO's over Wisconsin?

Is the coldest winter in 1000 years at hand in Europe? - What is happening to the Gulf Stream? -,000_years_on_its_way.html
Barf or Stew - Up To You.
 ...Or Not to Be: A Collection of Suicide Notes

In Barf Stew (BS) political and economic coverage - is the FED going to ask for another 7 Trillion to get things moving? - another sign the Obama Recovery is in full steam ahead mode.
Barf Stew website name - and Barf Stew content.

Suicide Notes

So, how about a little `Back To The Future' - BS presents - the 1905 Electric Car - Yes, 1905.

So, do you want an intelligent overview of the whole UFO thing? Here's another writer from TCI - The C Influence - Eric Ouellet - Stewable.

Conspiracy? Real? The Underground Base phenomena -

Meanwhile, Marijuana Soda Now Available - Flavors include: root beer, lemonade, strawberry, orange, grape, pink lemonade, sweet tea, and extra–potent watermelon and spearmint.  The latter two are in 1oz “teardrop” bottles - Refrigerate - Then Consume and Stew.
Another of the endless triangle crafts the MSM doesn't mention that is starting to flip some out:

California UFO September 2010 .
Uploaded by xerius21. - Discover more science and tech videos.


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