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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jim Marrs on “The Chemtrail Conspiracy”

The radical change to our skies has been evident to those more aware of their surroundings and world since the late 90's. My theory is that it is the government of the world (whoever that is) and that they have a number of  reasons for doing it. However, UNLIKE Marrs, I don't feel it is for population reduction as other reasons seem more likely - such as stopping global warming in its tracks since 1998. OR, such as enabling the continuation of society in the event of an EMP bomb (something about the chemicals allows the grid to not completely crash?). BOTH of those reasons seem, to Barf Stew, to be within the area of judgements a `world elite' would choose to make - to save their asses and ours.

Nonetheless, having Marrs on the issue can only be helpful to those that have any desire for truthful answers to the enigma. Anyway, read the link please - as it is Stewable. -
Books Below By Marrs:
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying AmericaThe Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over AmericaCrossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy
Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great PyramidsThe Terror Conspiracy: Deception, 9/11 and the Loss of LibertyAlien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
Above Top Secret: Uncover the Mysteries of the Digital Age
PSI Spies: The True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
The Sisterhood of the Rose
Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies

Meanwhile, in edge science news, Messenger Bacteria Could 'Tweet' Directions to Nanobots - and from the link these words:

Here's how it might work: A scout-like nanobot in the body encounters a cancerous tumor. It wants to call over the troops for an attack, so it releases bacteria encoded with packets of information in the form of DNA. The bacteria swim towards soldier nanobots, where they attach to the nanobots and then download their DNA message. Orders in hand, the nanobots arm their attack

Hexbug Ant Are You Curious? Click Picture for more.

Nanobot: The People Of The World Can Drink Natural Water And Die, Or They Can Drink My Water And Live. It Is Their Choice Gurt Vilane

2006 Guide to Nanomedicine Technology - Medical Research, Health Care, NIH and NCI Research, Nanoscale Materials, Nanobots, Nanobiotech, Nanotubes, Biosensors (CD-ROM)

Edge Science, check. Conspiracy Stuff, check. Must be time for some Barf Stew Sexy Entertainment - such as this emoish vixen - - or this future pole dancer - or this one in her short shorts -

Must be time for the BS paranormal segment right? 'Ghost' caught on camera in Flinders Mall -
If you like poltergist stuff - this is for you. Barf Stew or Not?

Poltergeist: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Poltergeist: The Legacy Season 2 ( Exclusive)
Poltergeist - The Legacy - Season 1

Finally, in breaking news, NASA sets news conference on astrobiology finding related to extraterrestrial life - - could this finally be the announcement that confirms microbiological non-earth life? Stewable.

Thanks for visiting today - please tell a friend about BS - Barf Stew - or bookmark BS now and return often for Paranormal, Science, Politics and Sexy Girls.

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