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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Best UFO Video Of 2010 --- OR --- Barf Stew Upchuck?

The below video is just hitting the internet and it is a dozy. But, is it real or is it complete Barf? One thing is for sure it does NOT pass the Barf Stew Cleaver Test. What, you ask, is the Barf Stew Cleaver Test?

Well, it is similar to Occam's Razor, but only applies to UFO videos --- and here is the BSC Test -- IF the UFO video is a daytime, over the top video like this one below (IE:too good to believe, generally flying right over the individual) - does it just `cut off' (instead of following the craft) at some point? And, does the daylight UFO have `any confirmation' via a second video source (as in this day and age - a real UFO wouldn't get far in daylight to attract OTHER videos from OTHER people).

So far in history - no is the answer as far as confirming videos of close-up craft of unknown origin.

And, sorry, this video does NOT meet the Cleaver test of common sense - as it simply suddenly moves into the video frame, (isn't it interesting that the person is filming something that resembles a UFO?) - and ENDS with NO conclusion (UFO in video does not do anything that would indicate an end to the video such as `taking off' or even `vanishing') to the UFO action. (Leaving the viewer going, why does it cut off here?)

BS is also calling it the Cleaver test not only because a meat cleaver is sharp, (like a razor) but, as a basis for whether Ward Cleaver would find the whole thing believable. (Clever wouldn't you say?)

Anyway, at here Barf Stew -- Barfsters, as you know,  make up their own mind - so have at it. Is this the Best UFO Video of 2010 --- or --- chopped liver?

video hattip -

Oh, here's a Cleaver Family link for extra laughs - priceless stuff - go ahead, have a chuckle on Barf Stew. Barf Stew Entertains.

Barf Stew has been all over the TSA recently - here's yet another choice incident - Blond in Lingerie and Wheelchair Gets Extensive TSA Pat Down in Oklahoma - - yes, BS has the video too:

Gemma Atkinson, Blonde In Lingerie on Sofa, Photo Print Poster - 24x36 --- A blonde in Lingerie Poster - under 5 bucks.

Paranormal, check. Politics, check. How about BS's sexy side beyond the Sexy Politics you just saw? Check. Such as the big ones on this young lass - or this hot blonde - - Barf Stew Entertains.

And, Barf Stew loves research that upsets the applecart - such as this study - Researchers Up on Chocolate Milk, Down On Energy Drinks - the research includes this line:

Most important, she said, is for athletes to realize that milk — whether plain or sweetened — is as good and often better than many of the significantly more expensive products sold at nutrition stores. Many of the products marketed to athletes for energy and endurance are just souped-up versions of old-fashioned milk. Despite the many claims of supplements, it's hard to beat all-natural.

Stewable -

Finally, a bit more UFOwise -- first a new site I've come across from a guy in England I think - and finally a link to a very cool UFO video shot from an airplane - is it a UFO or is it a Chemtrail plane? -  

Thanks for visiting Barf Stew Today - since it is the weekend - stay a bit longer and have a look around - or - bookmark and return each weekend for more Entertainment Barf Stew Style.
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1 comment:

  1. thanks for giving my new blog a mention..John


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