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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Extraordinary Experience of the Month

One of the E-mails I look forward too each month is my updates from The Rhine Center. Recently they added this feature to their mailings called the Extraordinary Experience of the Month of which I provide via copy and paste below:

Physical After Death Contacts:

One night I was laying on my bed, listening to the radio and looking at pictures of Tim. I was feeling really down and I suddenly noticed that I could not hear my radio anymore, so I got up and could see it was still on, but the volume had been turned all the way down, so I turned it back up, not thinking too much of it, then went back to looking at pictures. Again, I could not hear the radio, got up again and by this time I am thinking "Tim"...turned it back up... rested once again on my bed to find a few minutes later my radio turned completely off by itself. I was very happy, knowing Tim was aware I was looking over pictures, thinking of him, letting me know he is near... This happened quite often after asking for a sign, I would come in to find my CD player on all by itself.
It was about 6 months after Tim passed and I was cleaning out his drawers for the first time. It was so hard for me to do and I felt my heart was breaking, when suddenly out of nowhere, a talking picture frame that had been sitting on his dresser for 3 years went off all by itself, it said, "Happy 34th Birthday, Mom!". And that sign made me know beyond a doubt that Tim was there, perfect timing, doing something so hard on me and still sits there to this day and has never gone off again!
Now this one was most amazing and very spiritual. Tim had told my mom I would get a sign on this day, and the night before around 10 pm I got it. I was standing outside, the black night was black as could be and I could hear these 2 owls like right in my backyard just hooting back and forth, it was so loud and magical sounding and suddenly the one flew off and landed in the tree right in front of me, I knew this because I could hear it's wings, then it continued to hoot back and forth to the one left in the backyard, (I even called my son out to hear it, the sound was so loud) and then suddenly right in front of us both you could hear the one in the tree fly off and when I looked in the direction of where I thought it was going, all I saw was this
round ball of light. This was so symbolic to me like, Me and Tim were together and he left and became this ball of light!!
After Tim first passed he would hit my bed, I would wake up with a startle, but it was weird, I could visualize Tim doing that even though I could not see him. This happened almost every night for 2 weeks until one night it was so hard that it startled me and I looked under the bed, through the house and he stopped after that.
When asked for permission to quote from her report, Anne replied,
Yes, that would be fine with me. I would love that. One of my wishes is that people trust what they see and feel after losing a loved one. Knowing they can and will send signs, but only if you're ready and believe them. Oh, and guess what? Last Thurs. I was sitting here at my laptop, music playing, getting ready to do my hair as I do every morning, when suddenly my radio turns down, I am thinking, "What in the world". The song, "You're amazing just the way you are" was playing, so I look and it seemed as if the volume was turned down, so I turn it back up...a few minutes later, it turns completely off!! I knew then, it was Tim. I simply turned it back on and it was fine, lol.
Now I do this routine most mornings and that doesn't happen, I think the last time it happened I might have written you about, when I was looking at photos, so almost year. I was very happy. I trust it, I know it is Tim. So yes, I would love for you to use it.
Have you had an interesting PSI experience that you would like to share? Please use our contact form:
Rhine Research Contact Form -

Another reason I provide this story and form is that I personally have a story within the Rhine Center forms. Stewable.
Digging Deeper:
Parapsychology and the Rhine Research Center

Rhine Research Center

Do you come to BS for a good political read you just don't find the MSM talking about? Wait no more - How Did We Get Into This Mess? -
Much is stewable in this read above.

ParaNormal, check. Politics, check. Must be time for the BS gallery of sexy chicks. - like a celebrity teen in too short a skirt - or this over the top in public outfit - and finishing with these sexy youngins - Barf Stew Entertains.

And, let's have BS finish today with the Walk Of Life:

Thanks for being a Barfster today - hope to see you again soon.

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