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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brain Games: Will the Internet Become Self-Aware?

Like yesterday too, Barf Stew is clearing out some GREAT links that somehow slipped thru the cracks. Mainly the links were ones that I intended to `write-up' at some level of intelligence. This link is certainly in that category and is written by Micah Hanks and contains a very thoughtful comment too - indulge yourself in a good three minute read.
Digging Deeper:
Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach (Computer Science)
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence [Blu-ray]

Meanwhile, this was one of the best rants of the year about the Alien Abduction Phenomena - An Open Letter to Alien Abductee Debunkers - - Barf or Stew - Up To You.
You know that incredibly stupid ad that talks about some woman climbing to the top of a mountain and finding something better than a four star restaurant? The slightly gayish one? That talks about seeing FOUR MILLION STARS? -- Yeah, that F-ing one. -- Well, if off by a FACTOR of 2000 matters at all to you - here's the proof you knew Barf.

Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO AbductionsAlien AbductionThe Custodians: Beyond Abduction

How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction

Ready for Barf Stew Real Time Travel? How about to a 1920 Clothing Sale? Make sure to read the Rules of the Sale!
(Click above picture to enlarge)

Barf Stew has a feeling these beauties would have fit right in in the Roaring Twenties - and and finally this threesome - - Barf Stew Entertains.

Sexy Fitness Video? Sure.

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