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Monday, December 20, 2010

`Poltergeist Knocking' - And - It's Unique Scientific Evidence

To Barf Stew - this study of 10 pieces of Poltergeist Knocking was probably the most important `paranormal' `evidence' of 2010 - now, figuring out what it means is another thing. (I also covered this on my blog called The Heavy Stuff earlier this year here - - called `Sounds From Dead Things'.) --- Nonetheless, BS wants to make sure that Barfsters know this story -
Poltergeist - The Legacy - Season 1

Here's the same above story covered in an in depth manner - - with videos too. Stewable.

It must be Poltergeist Day - as here is the intellectual link.

Real Ghost Stories

Nothing scary about these images as Barf Stew Entertains with our Sexy Gallery - and this blond - and finishing with this internet classic -

Paranormal, check. Sexy Tease, check. Must be time for some UFO stuff: (Note the `Sky Writing' UFO after the 2 minute mark)

(do make sure to read the UFO comments at YouTube)

Here's another real good UFO video of Sky Symbols too - Barf or Stew?

Finally for today - Is the NEW Tech Bubble about to Burst? - Barf Stew does Business.
Need More Like This? is my Squidoo page. More links in the BS sidebar too.

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