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Monday, January 31, 2011

ORB UFO Over Jerusalem May Change UFOlogy

I have been rendered nearly speechless before by YouTube videos of UFO activity - consider my mouth hanging open once again. Yesterday I was checking my sources for my UFO blog called UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock and low and behold I found an ORB/UFO video of quite high quality to share with my readers. What the video showed was a nighttime video (1:00am about) shot from a distance of about several miles from Jerusalem and UP in the sky is this shining light/orb.

Now, `lights in the sky' is normally all that gets categorized as an UFO - seldom do these lights in the sky `do' something - indeed, when they move or blink or change color, etc, is when they are MORE than just the standard `what is that' - video. And, frankly folks, ORBs of light near the ground have been seen for centuries and all over the world -- some consider them spirits of the dead all the way UP to `aliens' in UFO crafts.

But, I digress - because I wouldn't be doing this post if something BIG didn't happen. So, back to the video - SUDDENLY the Orb/UFO `drops' and drops dramatically and BIG time. Not only that, it drops what appears to a level RIGHT OVER THE GROUND at a major tourist attraction/religious symbol (Dome of the Rock) . (Remember, this video is from multi miles away - and it shows it almost merging with the skyline - one has to wonder IF IT WAS GOING TO LAND.

I F-ing mean it.

So, since it was more than worthy of a share with my readership - I put it on with a couple of caveats - one being that the video should be verified with some other video from some other angle. AND, guess what ---- A SECOND ANGLE IS NOW ON THE INTERNET. MY jaw dropped and my mouth hung open. THE new video is shot from almost exactly where the ORB/UFO comes down.

Is THIS the F-ing proof that the UFO crowd has been waiting for?

But, I'm not even finished with this remarkable event.

So, there sits a GLOWING BALL of light - at what appears to be no more than a hundred or so feet in the air. The people recording the event are talking (just like in the first video - oh, and BTW, I've heard there is a third) and reacting as you would expect - and one has to wonder as you are watching this - what next?

Yep, the event wasn't finished! As suddenly, in a flash, the ORB/UFO takes off into the sky. Which is where the `close-up' video ends. But, the other video shot from a distance doesn't end. Indeed, in this video you see the ORB/UFO vanish and seemingly become Three Weaker Reddish Dots (that can be imagined as a triangle).

Here's a link to my post on Sunday, yesterday,  at my UFO blog - -- and here is today's post at UDCC - both links have the videos embedded -

As you will note, I had some concern with the audio of the first video in relation to the event - AND - you can find the typical naysayers in the comments section of the videos - who say everything from FAKE to that the videos are a Movie Promotion about to go Viral. AND, in this Barf Stew world we live in - they may just be right indeed. On that front we should know in days (if not today).

But, they also may not be right - and unless this is a sophisticated hoax, very sophisticated - this may be some sort of tipping point in the `dramaticness' of the whole phenomena. SHOULD ORBS routinely drop out of the sky and come near to the ground and then shoot up into the sky with a FINISHING motif -- then, some sort of real UFO Disclosure is going on - and it appears that it will be the aliens who TELL US - not the governments.

AND a final BUT ---- as the UFO event in NYC on Oct. 13th happened at the SAME TIME as the Chilean miner rescue - these events BOTH occurred at and during the Egypt uprising, certainly a high emotion event for that region and the world at large. So, once again we are left with that `unusual' synchronicity.

Tell me that isn't Stewable.
Need More? Here's a clear Triangle UFO - or total BS (Barf Stew) -


  1. The same thing happend in utah jan 26th. Google utah ufo utah 2011. ABC affiliate did a piece, with video. It's time.

  2. Just FYI - the date was the 28th and I covered this event too.



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