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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Utah And Jerusalem `Orb Drop' Is NOT New - Will Egypt Politics Eclipse ANY Government Response?

Okay Barfsters - I hope you have your mind on straight today because there is going to be a lot of stew to digest -- and -- most likely, it will have some Barf chucks too - sorry about that. BUT, the world of UFOlogy is being buffeted with more video of the Jerusalem event that is quite digestable - as the event was evidently videoed from THREE angles - and that is just what is up on YouTube within the first 72 hours. (It is possible the best video is being withheld or is with someone who isn't a YT poster.) And, with the third video, odds are increasing that what is being posted is not part of a viral campaign (other than perhaps by the aliens dropping the orbs themselves).

Indeed, since yesterday, BS (barf stew) has learned and posted today on my UFO site - a NEW video of an extremely similar event that happened in UTAH on the SAME evening as the Jerusalem event. (In that Orbs fell down the sky.) Yes, the same F-ing evening. (By time difference I believe the UTAH event was 3 hours later, someone will correct me I'm sure - but, the report was the Utah event was at 7:15 PM or so local time - which I believe would have been around 4 AM Jerusalem time.)

Anyway -- yesterday at UDCC I said:
"The mind can weave many ideas into the whole saga --- for example, does the Light over Bethlehem come to mind? What if a new light appeared nightly and did EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT ALREADY OCCURED? OR, what if the same phenomena began to happen at other World Landmarks."

Well, folks, Salt Lake City is home to the Largest Mormon temple in the world - and indeed, a day later - the awareness of the UTAH event - seek and yee shall find; perhaps. So, how is that for a backdrop to the last twenty-four hours of thESE UFO/ORB events? Are you surprised that only the internet is putting this all together and the mainstream media is distracted with Egypt? Wouldn't you have thought that by doing it in Jerusalem that coverage would be near manditory? Could the `distraction' of dis-satisfied citizens in Egypt, one of Earth's older citizen centers, be distracting the super rich to the point of being oblivious to this? IS THERE SCUTTLEBUTT on the ground in Israel, citizen scuttlebutt, that we are not hearing about concerning this UFO?

Will their government, or OURS, respond to either event - don't hold your breathe folks. I don't think even the Mayor of Salt Lake City will respond - afterall, it's just another of those `silly' TV reports of concerned citizens. Quiet sheeple.

However, as you can tell by this headline today - while the `Orb' release phenomena is RARE, it is not NEW. Indeed, in 2009 in Mexico - a UFO was filmed releasing multitudes of Orbs - seen below:

Also, there was a similar nighttime UFO-Orb drop that has been removed from YouTube.

Indeed, I gave it a full write up here with 7 - yes seven - possibilities as to what may be happening in these extremely rare events of orb releases - and this was my summary along with my gut odds:

Possibility One - `Dead Human Spirits are developing' - (10%)
#2 ---> `Fortean Ontology' (<5%)
#3 ---> `Multi-dimensional communication' (10%)
#4 ---> `Elite Humans'/Secret Government (20%)
#5 ---> `Alien Crafts' (30%)
#6 ---> `Evolving Sky Creatures' (<5%)
#7 ---> (a)`Matrix Universe - Computer' (15%)
(b) `Matrix Universe - Human' (10%)

But, that was 2009 - let's look at those possibilities again, and again, in light of these newest events.

1) Dead Spirits are developing - Well, (uncomfortably coughs) both of these events happened in cities with great religious foundations. Does THAT mean dead spirits are developing or something else perhaps with these choosing of locations.

2) Fortean Ontology -- I assure you folks, only BS would consider, with a straight face - this explanation. I do NOT discard it. (Oh, BTW, go to the original link for a much fuller explanation of each of these categories.)

3) Multi-Dimension Communication - Well folks, with `objects' that seemingly just APPEAR and just as seemingly VANISH - it would be impossible to say this should be discarded. IF so, what is being communicated?

4) Elite Humans/Secret Government - With conspiracy websites saying the government is in cahoots with aliens; with TRILLIONS of dollars in the hands of `the few'; with some issues NEEDING responses that exceed on-going governments that change all the time; who is to say that this is to be discarded?

5) Alien Crafts - Pretty amazing that four answers were trotted out before this answer with the plurality of intensity, right? The thing that has to be the new caveaot however is the overlay of Stanley Fulhams general thesis of what may be occuring. THAT said, let's not forget this INFO was `channelled' hardly the best of sources.

6) Evolving Sky Creatures - Being `used' by the Fortean Trickster perhaps?

7) Matrix - The world is only reflections of our belief - or - the belief of the computer program. LOL.

I told you in the opening line to have your mind on straight today in BS's opening line - I meant it. Now, let's look one more time at the two events and put some sort of thoughts and expectations to the whole saga.

First, IMO, the `collaboration element' of this event impresses me. Multiple videos, multiple witness, multiple cities, religious landmark cities - same time frame. The `collaboration element' would led a bit of credence to `alien' or `human' corrdination IMO. Also, the dropping to the ground level in Jerusalem is a LOOK AT ME statement; reflective again of alien or human IMO. Additonally, weaving the storyline even more, the `stronger disclosure' nature of the event - beckons inquiry - which would seem to be more reflective of Aliens than Privilaged Elite Humans. IMO.

Also, which of the above, would potentially use `balls of light' thrown from another object/space - and what purpose do these balls of light have?

Unfortunately, IMO, the answer to that one is indeed a can of worms. Nearly all `could' have `purposes' to do such an event, well beyond the thoughts of myself. That said, the balls of light seem to be or have some level of `control' and possibly `awareness' - we must assume.

Could it BE a BEINGNESS? A ball of consciousness? Or, is it more mechanical? Or, even a waste product?

Also, what are we truly to make of the events happening during the Egypt uprising? Definitely the biggest world event since the Chilean Miner rescue - are we to brush off that kind of significance? Could it indeed, as I wrote yesterday here - be a creation of mans emotions moving into an actualization mode? And, if so, what in the world would be unleashed with a REAL world Revolution by its citizens?

(See I told you we'd get some barf mixed in with this stew.)

Finally, (I hope) let me put this to rest with this - are we to expect a government response by the Israel Government or Ours to the events of Jan 28-29th? ---- My Bet is they would say ---------------- say what?

Now what is the number of the mayor of Salt Lake City?
My sidebar holds treasures - check it out.
New Compare Jerusalem Videos:

Oh, here is a link to the UTAH UFO on my other blog: -

Thanks for being a Barfster:

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