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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Real Difference Between Rep and Dem Politics - Rantology BS Style

I was pleased to see this on the front page of Reddit - seems another person has figured out how most of the game of politics in the USA is played. Anyway, here's a copy and paste of a great Rant:
Democrats cite ethics, but only hold the everyday person accountable to those ethics. Republicans cite morals, but don't expect the everyday person to follow them

Democrats cite social welfare, but only follow through with corporate welfare. Republicans cite liberty, but only want liberty for big business.
Democrats appeal to the youth, then pander to the old. Republicans appeal to the old, then take away their benefits.
Democrats encourage a centralized, then spend money on programs/legislation which decentralize social programs. Republicans encourage decentralized government, then spend money on programs/legislation which centralizes authority.
Democrats believe themselves to be intellectual and progressive, but actually are too dumb to see that nothing has changed. Republicans believe themselves to be patriotic and libertarian, but are actually allowing their nationalism to squash their liberties.
Democrats say they want to end the war, then funnel more money into it. Republicans say they want to end useless social programs, then cut useful ones and create useless ones.
Democrats want to strengthen education, but don't fund it. Republicans want to strengthen the economy, but don't fund it.
Democrats tell me to vote for them because they will bring hope and change, then bring neither. Republicans tell me to vote for them because they will end the attack on our freedoms, then go out and attack my freedoms.
Democrats tell me to vote for them because nothing could be worse than another Republican. Republicans tell me to vote for them because nothing could be worse than another Democrat.

I have had enough of people truly believing these parties are actually different when they both are moving this country to collapse, perhaps that one party is just more efficient at doing so than the other. I am tired of being told to choose the lesser of two evils, because they are equally evil. I am tried of people being at eachother's throats over political arguments which for all intents and purposes are just straw men. I am tired of being told these parties care about me, when clearly they just care about themselves and their corporate donors. I am tired of the name calling and insults, when it doesn't help us re-build America. I am tired of the media and all their bullshit, and I am tired of people who make decisions based on what the media tells them.

I will be voting 3rd party for as long as I have the right to vote, I hope you will too.

What are your thoughts?
This was the link:
I guess this one day old story is old news already but - Lotto Players Find Lost Numbers Winners - - Stewable.
Lost: The Complete Collection
Lost: The Complete Collection
Inappropriate? - or Stewable.


Meanwhile......Mass Bird & Fish Die-Offs Go Global, Spark End Times Panic -,_Spark_End_Times_Panic.html Barf or Stew - Up To You.
SCARS: An Amazing End-Times Prophecy Novel
SCARS: An Amazing End-Times Prophecy Novel
Are you ready to freak out ---- with a link you will forward to someone, guaranteed? - BARF for sure.
Whereas opening these pictures will be a pleasure for the eyes - yes, you've reached the BS Gallery - like this simple view - or these top tier cheerleaders - or booty shorts like these for shopping in the garden section - - or - this self-shot, and finally, today's topper - - Barf Stew Entertains.
Over at TAL - The AnomalyMan Listing - are two worthwhile photos - one of Orbs (who were called) and another of a Mystery Being -

Mystery Of Being

Looking for a UFO link? -- Did you know about the latest `missile launch' off the Texas coast? Similar to the California one? -
In hard barf news the media just doesn't want to cover - The Oil BP Tried To Hide Has Been Discovered, In Thick Layers On the Sea Floor Over An Area of Several Thousand Square Miles -
Finally today - more hard politics Barf Stew style and once again relating to the ultimate consequences of the Oil Spill In the Gulf. -- Remember, it was JUST a `spill'.

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