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Thursday, January 6, 2011

US Banks Financing Mexico Drug Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal - $378.4 billion

No, this isn't news - just some real barf that was mentioned by the MSM for perhaps a day or two back in the summer - see, you had already forgotten.

But, BS slings the slew: So, while the banks demand ID for moving 10K - they move BILLIONS without so much as a whimper from the big boys.

The Last Narco: Hunting El Chapo, the World's Most-wanted Drug Lord

Meanwhile, School sex video ‘just tip of the iceberg’ - BS here.
Continuing the edge of Barf Stew Sex news - A 64-year-old bomoh who raped three sisters to “cure their sickness and restore their virginity” managed to get a reduction in his 69-year jail sentence after an appeal in the High Court here. Justice Rhodzariah Bujang agreed to reduce the term to 40 years, taking into consideration Jamir @ Jawang Samah’s age.But, the 12 strokes of rotan stays - more details at the link.
Over at The AnomalyMan Listing - Cretan Tools Point to 130,000-Year-Old Sea Travel - - Stewable.
UFO Blog - Stanley Fulham's timeframe for a major Moscow event is counting down -

Told you it would become a collectors item.

Figure(d) that Barfsters would want to see this comparison - and the minx that Barbi is today:

Need more strange Barbi Pics? -
Speaking of Minx's - BS Gallery Time - Like this future Trade Show talent - or these Ohio Sailors - this self-shot cutie - or today's topper - Barf Stew Entertains.
The sexy YouTube edges continue too:

The sidebar holds other Treasures. Thanks for being a Barfster.

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