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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Fall of the House of Blogsquatcher

I became familiar with DB Donlan because of the above blog - called Blogsquatcher, a Bigfoot blog, which he suddenly stopped doing a year or so ago. Here, in a detailed report, he lays out WHY he stopped - and, it's not just a light hearted casual read folks.

Indeed, like many others who graze at the edge of the paranormal field, many seem to have these strange tangential events that smack of high strangeness. Read the tale here and make sure to read the comments too - Stewable. -
Ancient Mysteries - Bigfoot (A&E DVD Archives)
Bigfoot Is Real: From Sasquatch to the Adominable Snowman (2 Discs)
Here's another great piece by Donlan - hard to go wrong bookmarking this guys blog
The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us
The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us
BS humor - one of a kind - Barf Stew Entertains.
Remember last week when I questioned WHY the word Chemtrails had no awareness in China and Russia? Well...... Beijing blocks searches for "Egypt" from microblogging site following protests there. - - Barf Stew Does Politics.
As Barfsters know, we have been taking a look around here at Shamen lately - well, here's a Shalady - makes for an interesting read -

Looking for a great entertaining read? - Silent Invasion: Bigfoot & UFOs:
Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook 

Ready for more Barf Stew? Police investigate bizarre hospital trespassing case - - the case involves a monkey, teddy bear and ketchup and yes, penises ....Stewable Barf.
The Best of Bizarre: Uncensored (Vol. 1 to 10)
Search for bizarre
You know how some folks seemingly don't think their sh*t stinks? - Dogs sniff out cancer in stool - real `Barf' Stew indeed. Edge, strange science. BS.
Here's a stewable article for internet surfers like yourself - Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results - - this one reads like a spy novel on how they proved it - OH, btw, Bing doesn't deny it at all.

The Google Way: How One Company Is Revolutionizing Management as We Know It
MORE on the Jerusalem UFO case - a FOURTH video has surfaced, new angle and pretty damn close -
Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
Jerusalem: Center of the World
Barfsters have been waiting three days now for the BS Gallery - I haven't forgotten that: #1 High School, not as you remember it - #2 OMG - #3 Poster Quality - #4 Hottie Self-Shot - and today's topper - Barf Stew Entertains.
BARF Stew Humor - Man Barfs After Getting Right Answer in Game!

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