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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hideaki Akaiwa - The ULTIMATE Japan Rescue Story

You will be shaking your head for days. You will send this link to everyone that you know who LOVES great stories. You will NOT believe what you are reading. Barf Stew presents - the ULTIMATE badass! --
Badass: The Birth of a Legend: Spine-Crushing Tales of the Most Merciless Gods, Monsters, Heroes, Villains, and Mythical Creatures Ever Envisioned
Has FREE energy been found? Has the perpetual motion machine finally arrived? (Funny that this is Motionless) -
Or, is it all Barf Stew. ------- Great read.
The Perpetual Motion Machine
The Perpetual Motion Machine 
Newton's cradle
Meanwhile..... Sammy Hagar Reveals He Was Abducted by Aliens - - Barf or Stew, Up To You.
Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock (his new book)
Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock - the cover.
Thanks for being a Barfster --- Please Chip In via the sidebar to continue your BS entertainment --- paying a buck or two every six months for specialized entertainment isn't much - consider it. (or buying a T-Shirt) ------------ More and more of your favorite blogs are going to go private (or stop) at some point unless folks step up to the plate.



    Rick watch this 8 min movie of japan a nuclear power plant meltdown and the drama that insued. post or send this to everyone... it will explain all.

    youtube mt. fiji in red


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