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Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Strangeness Happened On March 9th In Florida?

Hard Times in the Lands of Plenty: Oil Politics in Iran and IndonesiaOne of the strangest `trotted out' explanations I have ever heard from `authorities' too. Please listen to this video and imaging this going on for 20 MINUTES (you hear 8 minutes). Barf Stew of the first level:

Now, I found this above video at this link - - which also provides links to HAARP sounds. And, tons of detailed HAARP stuff. You decide.
Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series)
Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
Speaking of hoaxes and such - did you know that Budweiser Assimilates Food? 1922 Time Travel On Barf Stew!
(yes, and stimulates the appetite)
(click above picture to enlarge)
Meanwhile, ..... how's this for an alternative take on things - Conspiracy of Science - Is Plate Tectonics A Myth? - - chunky stew.


  1. I live in Panama City, Fl and a little less than a year ago (January I think) ny son and I heard something very similar. It was around eleven p.m. I was on the computer my son had went to bed. The difference was the noise sounded as if it 'switched on' above our house, louder than any jet, plane or helicopter I've ever heard to the nth degree. For a few seconds it sounded stationary then slowly began to move away. I was literally shocked into sitting put, until my son (18) walked into the living room asking /what the heck/ we both went outside and could hear it slowly moving away but assumed whatever it was, was now behind the treeline. We live near Tyndall plus Eglin and our entire family have seen strange objects at different times through the years and have always assumed some new toy of the air force... with a few extremely strange exceptions. but with the automatic assumption of overly gullible "believer" label with attached ridicule have been reluctant to report. I tend to find rational explanation and am always skeptical of own observations and those I trust before assuming something /not ours/ and now believe ETH is to simplistic to explain the sheer number and variety of strangeness people have experienced. Plus the whatever seems to be evolving once again. Less solid triangles now to more of a triangular formation often with a fourth light lagging somewhat behind or the colored balls of light. Wow did'nt mean to be so long winded but since my childhood sighting; after gaining net access in 2000 I am obsessed with researching. Was surprised at all the high quality evidence to be found amongst all the tin foil hats. I cannot believe there is still a need for official disclosure. If average Jane and Joe only knew!

  2. Thank you so much for you reporting a similar experience too - I will be covering this subject again very soon.



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