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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Did Journalist Find 'THE Nails' Used to Crucify Jesus?

Fully a BS article most likely - that said, can you imagine the intrigue IF they could find some DNA? Barf Stew -
Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary
The Jesus of history
Meanwhile..... This Is What Happens When Establishment Control Of The Media Cracks For A Moment - with video - a perfect example of media NOT in control for a moment, savior this - BS Does Politics.
And, it appears that the lack of responses to the call to save the BS Sexy Gallery may VASTLY increase the Politics you see on BS -- 8 days left for supporters of the BS Gallery to come forward and donate via the Chip-In Button in the sidebar. It is fully secure and goes to my PayPal account. -- 1) Sexy Group Shot, 2) Hubba Hubba, 3) Phone Holder, Today's Humpday Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
Hard to beat this Headline - Ancient Human Found in Iowa Sewers - - Stewable?
The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era, With a New Preface
Ancient Mysteries: Human Sacrifice
Speaking of Headlines -
Thanks for being a Barfster!

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