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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Obama 1890 SS Number Traced To Dead Man In HI

Barf Stew DOES Politics. Could this `story' be one reason why Trump has went `birther' too? IF the whole Social Security number ISSUE of our President is new to you - well, you have been led as sheeple by the MSM - but, some of us on the internet HAVE been talking about the smoke if not fire of the whole issue of President Obama's `trail'. Here's a tease:

This news is breaking: This is bad news for Obama.
This is what we know so far. We get more info on Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890, had CT SSN obtained in 1976 and died in HI around 1981. There are 2 SS numbers for him and records show him dying in 2 different states: CA and HI around 1981.
The reason this is important, is because there is a similar fact pattern to Obama. Barack Obama is residing today in the White House, using CT SS number 042-68-4425, issued in CT in and around March 1977 to an elderly individual named John Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890, who is presumed dead and whose death was either never reported to the SS administration or reported and deleted from the database by someone.
Obama’s maternal grandmother Madelyn Dunham, worked as a part-timer or volunteer in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse. Thus she would have access to the estate files of anyone who died there. Thus if the elderly man originally from CT died intestate in Hawaii with no known relatives, Grandma Dunham would have known this person is a prime candidate to steal the SSN of since there would be no known surviving family worrying about the death benefit from SSN and that the benefit was not likely applied for and thus SSA did not know he died. Thus the SSN remained active for the deceased person and Obama could “adopt” it as his own. This is a clear case of identity theft at the federal level.
This is what we know about Ludwig:
In 1924, Jean Paul Ludwig worked for Senator ....
Very Very Stewable.
Ready for more BS Politics? - Jesse Ventura lays it out for you IF you are willing to listen:

Trippy Stuff, right?
Like the above Female Image? Here's some more, just days left of the BS Gallery most likely - 1) Sexy Teen Self Shot, 2) Beauty Queens,
OMG, Today's Topper - Barf Stew Entertains. ------------ Chip-In Button Sidebar IF you want the BS Gallery to continue.
63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read

63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read -------------------------------------------------
IF you come to BS for the UFO stuff - UDCC has had GREAT daytime UFO pictures the last two posts - both from 2011 -
As you know, BS has a GREAT bloglist in the sidebar of BLOGSPOT blogs -- well, seems I'm not the only to put together a super weird Blogspot blog list - - you could STEW this link for hours. Remember, you found it at the Stew.
OUIJA BOARD tempered glass cutting board (paranormal)
OUIJA BOARD tempered glass cutting board (paranormal)

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