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Friday, April 15, 2011

The `Make Wall St. Pay’ Campaign

Yeah, I know, this link is a month old - couldn't have been buried quicker than the MSM once and done routine. A tease:
Moving from the meeting of all 50 Attorneys General, the crowd made their way to a Bank of America branch on Pennsylvania Ave. While about 300 stood outside, another 300 moved indoors, filling up the lobby and bringing business to a standstill.

Then, they went to see if Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) was available, filing into his Capitol Hill offices to send an unambiguous message: Wall Street must pay.
"They delivered the message that we have a revenue crisis and that Wall Street must pay its fair share," George Goehl, executive director of National People's Action, told Raw Story in an exclusive interview
Barf Stew for sure - BS Does Politics. WITH VIDEO.
John Boehner: An Unauthorized Biography
More RAW politics from BS -
Last Day's of the BS Gallery? 1) Slightly Perverse, 2) College Bondage?, 3) Hotties,
4) 11 Trade Show Talent Bikini's, Today's Topper, Schoolwear in the 2000's, Barf Stew Entertains.
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TAL had some great stuff yesterday - - the lead story of which is a study of the NEWLY sighted. Heavy Duty. stewable.
And, TODAY'S headlines on Reddit include the `wet house'. Ever heard of that? Stewable.
From the BS Video Bin:

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