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Friday, April 8, 2011

Segregationists In America - NORTHERN Cities

Here's some BS for those not living in America or - even those living in America. You see, for GENERATIONS the southerners in the USA have been told to the world to be the ones with great racial prejudice. Indeed, when I moved to the south in 1977 - my northern friends in Ohio looked at me like I was traveling into some regressive past of America. Guess what, EVEN in 77 what I found was the EXACT opposite. In the south the folks live MUCH more in mixed race communties and have MUCH more interaction on ALL levels. Indeed, to be prejudiced in the south, with the greater level of minorities, you would be going NUTS all the time.

Well, that isn't the case - as I said, above. This `poll' of real data - shows that the FACTS are that the NORTH has the MOST segregation --- AS IT HAS FOR DECADES. Nonetheless, the MSM will continue to find the isolated southern hate story for the northerners to feel good about as they continue to live in an isolated fearful world. Enjoy the Barf Stew of this link and find out what 10 cities you DON'T expect to find racial understanding - Barf Stew does the politics the MSM isn't much interested in reporting.
Take 10 seconds for this GIF - - BS Entertains.
BS Humor, - Humpty Dumpty Related Humor - - Stewable.
Meanwhile...... Obama Friend Arrested on Suspicion of Soliciting Prostitute -
Seizure of motor vehicles used while soliciting prostitutes
Strip Search Me!
Compromising Positions
Ready for the BS Gallery? Are these the last days of the BS Gallery? (TBD by contributions to the Chip-In Button in the sidebar - a buck or two by all who enjoy the gallery will keep it available) 1) Discowear, 2) Bus Stop Hottie?,
3) Artsy BRRR, 4) CT, Today's Party Girls Topper - Barf Stew Entertains.
YouTube's Sexy Limits:

Has Iran built a UFO Craft? --- -- Barf or Stew?
YES, there is now a Daytime Jerusalem UFO video too - taken two months after the first event -
The headlines your hometown paper missed this morning - more and more BS'ers are discovering this daily.
Thanks for being a Barfster. Chip-In?

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