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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Drug Test Protestors Send Urine Sample to Florida Governor

From the golden glimmer of hope category - seems some folks are standing up (one sex sits I know) for their rights in Florida; a tease:
The newly formed Committee for the Positive Insistence on a Sane Society (PISS) said it was sending the urine sample to Scott to peacefully protest against his drug testing policy. It accused Scott of wasting tax dollars on unjustifiable intrusions into the privacy of state workers
The BS of course is that these same worthless politicians will force drugs into the nearly dying so that they can live longer (right to die is not an issue to them, you do NOT own your own body space, it belongs to the whim of spineless  - Barf Stew of the first order - (Google has asked me to remove the above link due to GORE...I say it's freedom of speech about drug laws....what do you say?) Should I?
BS Humor -
BS Gallery - 1) Holy Smokes, 2) Bondage, 3) Hottie, 4) Topper Worthy, Forced Panty Topper, Barf Stew Entertains. --- The BS Gallery is watching the Chip-In status in the sidebar to determine how important the BS Gallery is to viewers - If you come to Barf Stew for the gallery, please, Chip-In.
Time for some BS Time Travel - To 1905 and a Parade in Upper Michigan. The link to this picture also includes lots of details and even a view of the SAME location today. Priceless:
(click above to enlarge) (with comments and scene today)
Oh, in the above picture - did you see the guy STANDING in the telephone or power lines?
Barf Stewy Enough For You?
Each day nearly BS is bringing you the link to Reddit Morning Headlines - many of you have tried it - ALL of you should. Reddit is a news source. This could change your way of getting the news you think about. I mean it. And, Morning Reddit Headlines is a great way to see the BEST in various categories - such as Humor, Politics, Science, Conspiracy and more - did I say humor? Give it a whirl.

Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice
Some folks think dipping children in freezing rivers is ---- well, ---- watch for yourself - (takes about a minute to load).
You will have a hard time STOPPING watching this video (hattip to my buddy Joel):

Quite a Stew Today, Right?
Lamb Recipes. Lamb Shank, Lamb Shop, Leg of Lamb, Roast, Stew, Shoulder Recipe and Much More.

Braises and Stews: Everyday Slow-Cooked Recipes
Halo Spot's Stew® Adult Dog, Lamb Recipe, 4-Pounds

Believe it - 14 miles of HUGE underground tunnels in Texas - find out the Barf here - Very Stewable.
Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying to Hide?
IF you liked the Shorpy's above today - I have lots more right here -

Now, make sure you bookmark BS today and return tomorrow, right? -

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