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Monday, May 9, 2011

The `Cushy Prison' Experiment Of Norway

Just when you thought for some reason that you had heard EVERYTHING - comes this gem of an idea - treat prisoners to a vacation they will never forget:
An inmate convicted of murder sunbathes outside the wooden cottage where he lives at Bastoy Prison, Norway's only island prison 
Barf Stew has amazing pictures indeed - - Wow.
Why is Campbell's Soup being sued? - - Stewable, of course.
Here for the UFO stuff? How about an ALIEN video? - BS.
Of course they got Osama - BS Humor -
Meanwhile..... Ganja Babies do better - more suppressed marijuana research - - indeed, these were some findings:
quality of their alertness was higher;
* their motor and autonomic systems were more robust;
* they were less irritable;
* they were less likely to demonstrate any imbalance of tone;
* they needed less examiner facilitation to become organized;
* they had better self-regulation;
judged to be more rewarding for caregivers than the neonates of non-using mothers at 1 month of age stewable.
Osama Killed Jokes - BS Humor -
Here's a one shot MSM political theater - Herman Cain Tackles Oil Prices, Makes Splash At South Carolina Debate (VIDEO) - - BS does Politics.
And, for those who still care about that thing called RIGHTS:

Thanks for your visit today Barfsters!
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