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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New, Significant, `Strangeness' About Obama's `Birth' Certificate

As you are about to see, once again, the American People appear to have been taken for a ride (and as dunces). Just take the time to wade thru the stuff below and as a Barfster you can make up your own mind and not just simply `take' the pro-offered slam dunk by the MSM concerning President's Obama's big weekend of slamming Trump and smashing Osama.
First a very brave TV report:

But, don't let one TV report sway you - here's more background: Obama’s Birth Certificate:Top 20 Conspiracy Theories That Have Already Sprung Up -
and perhaps another source for you:

So, truth be told, while Obama trashed Trump for his interest - apparently, a BIG RUSE was happening over the MSM and the American People once again. And, lets see the MSM avoid this and prove once again they are NOTHING but a mouthpiece for the government and corporations that advertise on their airwaves. Nearly disgusting and certainly BARF STEW.
Barf Stew Does Politics.
You say you come to BS for the Paranormal? Here's a HUGE array of BIGFOOT pictures, many of which I had never seen before I found this webpage - (includes Lake Monsters too) - also has videos: - Surprisingly Stewable.
Today's BS Sexy Picture - did she forget her pants? - - Wonder about the BS gallery? Another flash access to the new website tomorrow just like last week.
As you may know, some in America claim that we have lost tons of freedoms and rights and that some much larger agenda is already set in motion - some of that powerful logic can be found in the heartfelt pages of this guys blog - - Stewable. GREAT reads.
Thanks for your visit - please look around the page for much more content too. Or, enjoy those 2leep links at the bottom of this page too. Thanks.

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