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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Interesting: Altruism and Discrimination in Traffic Study - Results? - Luxury Cars Can Wait!

Barf Stew loves `research' such as this study of over 900 traffic situations identified for types of vehicles (luxury, etc.) and people (man, woman, young, old) and found some GEMS to talk about at the office today or at home: In addition to Luxury cars being made to wait - older people being more altruistic - there is more at the link to Stew about especially about women - - find out also the location of this study at the link. Thanks for being a Barfster today.
I'm doing a feature at my UFO blog about the `followers' of the blog - this is a blog one of my followers does - it is over the top although it is slow loading so if on dialup forget it. It also is behind an adult screen for language mainly - lots of content. - Barf Stew Blogfinds, worth bookmarking BS for.
IS 2011 the year you go slightly solar?
BS's Sexy Picture - - another BS Gallery Classic.  ============================
Are you ready for the WORST `ufo invasion' YouTube video EVER?

Meanwhile, ... Confessions of an EBay opium addict - - Send people to jail for 10 years for pot while allowing opium sales online - NOW THAT is one powerful example of worthless politicians indeed.Confessions of an English Opium Eater (Penguin Classics)

Opium: The diary of an addict
The Missouri Review - Crime (Confessions of a 19th Century Opium Addict Pickpocket & Con Man)

collectors item.
Today's Hottest Headlines - Reddit -
Here's one that borders on BARF - but, if true would be very stewable indeed -
Interesting Solar System - Just In Case The SHTF
Sunforce 50048 60-Watt Solar Charging Kit
Sunforce 50048 60-Watt Solar Charging Kit (reduced from 600.00 - interesting reviews to read at Amazon. Is 2011 finally the time you move on this?) under 300 bucks.

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