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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is The 5-21-11 End World MSM Interest A RUSE For 12-21-12?

Yeah, I don't trust the MSM very much at all - how about you? I mean, a preacher who has PREDICTED the same end before? That is credible? Who used the money to advertise the doubling of the value of his ministry via the billboards of the new end date? ------------------- Or, is this simply the MSM's way to make sure that any fevor for 12-21-12 is dimished to the point of making a mockery of all the new agers in 2012? Barf Stewy IMO.
Meanwhile....... Obama Pardons 8 People - - everything from alligator hide smugglers to distributors of less than 110 pounds of pot. Wouldn't you LOVE to know the money trail that got these to happen? Barf Stewable. BS Politics.
IS the proverbial shit about to hit the fan? - Meredith Whitney Feeling Better About Her Muni Call - - Stewable. The QE2 timing couldn't be better either.
Today's Sexy Picture - A Near Daily Feature - - BS Entertains.

99% of you have probably never heard of the Republican Cain who just declared his intentions for 2012 - here you go -
They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It
Leadership Is Common Sense
Today's BS Video:

Please look around the sidebar before you leave today - thanks.

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