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Thursday, May 19, 2011

White Dwarfs and the Long Dark

Want to read words that truly convey just how amazing that it is that humans on Earth are at the VERY Beginning of the potential for `life' in the total time our universe will be available to host such? - Want no more - : - A Tease - "These, in turn, are warmed via neutrino pair-annihilation in their iron cores, sufficient to keep their sub-glacial oceans warm for a 100 billion trillion years."
---------- Very Stewworthy Blog ----------------------
Do you sometimes wish you had a RESOURCE with links to provable MSM cover-ups and such? -- You might be on this one all day - - BS brings you the stuff the MSM would like to say once and forgetaboutit...... BS Does Politics.
Even Robots Can Be Heroes - fantastic read about how even robots and software simulations can develop intentionality's (seemingly) over the course of hundreds of `generations' -
As some Barfsters know - I was interviewed on the Internet Radio Show called The Acceleration yesterday evening - and I want to thank L.A. Marzulli for having me on his show - you should be able to hear a copy of it here perhaps - or
BS Humor - Why One Gets `Smarter' After A Few Beers -
You here for the UFO stuff? - - 2011 Daytime UFO footage.
Hattip on this video to:

The BS (Barf Stew) Mix of great categories of entertainment - hope you return again tomorrow. Please look around the sidebar for much more entertainment and content.

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