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Monday, May 16, 2011

Is Public More Scared Of The Police Than Criminals?

Really, not much more than the old bumpersticker that read along the lines of I Fear My Government more than I Fear ..... (fill in the blank) - But - NONETHELESS - I am WAY more scared I will be wrongfully harassed by police or sent to prison for a victimless crime than that I will be attacked by a non-badged criminal. - read 57 comments on the same idea. Barf Stew Does Politics.
Meanwhile, .... How one Japanese village defied the tsunami - - think BIG wall,,,, BIG BIG wall - Stewable. With Pic.
The other day I said to a buddy about the IMF `you know that the US and Japan are the main contributors?' - then, decided to look up my `facts' -- some VERY interesting stuff here - Where the IMF Gets its Money - - read this and you will know more than 99% of the people too. Stewable.
Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO, Second Edition
Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO, Second Edition

The Globalizers: The Imf, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers (Cornell Studies in Money)
BS is famous for Real Time Travel - Such as this 1910 Smoking Newsboys Photo
(click above pic to enlarge) (with comments)

BS Entertains - Today's Sexy Picture - - Smiling Girl.
Sexy YouTube

Oh, I've had a couple Barf Stewy posts on UDCC the last few days - one about our SUN being a GOD in a sense (at least around hereish 100 trillion miles) and the other the REAL issue about UFO Disclosure - -
Have you heard about BITCOIN? -- it's part of the NEWS your hometown paper won't be mentioning anytime soon (I will feature this BITCOIN story soon here at BS) - but that you can find today at Morning Reddit Headlines -
Prediction Markets: Assassination Market, Policy Analysis Market, Prediction Market, Election Stock Market - Boring, or Conspiracy?
BS Products - Something To Barf About
Whirlpool AP51030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner
Whirlpool AP51030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner - this is NOT a toy. Read The Reviews.

Lorex LIVE SD7 Wireless Digital Security System
Lorex LIVE SD7 Wireless Digital Security System

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