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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HEY MARCEL? Read This!

Have you seen the NON-Stop usage of the ATT TV commercial begging `Marcel' to pay attention? Yeah, the one that BEGINS by showing a daytime SWAT squad breaking into a front door with overwhelming force including explosives?

Again, perhaps it is just me - but - when did SWAT team BUSTS become `entertainment' to be associated with brand names? And, did ATT even consider that many Americans do NOT like the way that SWAT teams are used, and, that have become all pervasive and `acceptable' somehow in our society?

Indeed, most Americans KNOW that SWAT teams RARELY are used for their original intentions and that MOST are used against drug users/sellers. Occasionally EVEN used for Marijuana cases!

Doesn't ATT consider that when some parts of the country smoking the herb with doctors orders -- that in other parts of the country - breaking down doors for it is UNACCEPTABLE? - Perhaps THIS COMMERCIAL IS REASON TO DROP ATT?
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  1. Hell yeah!!! And now, 8 Justices outta 9 think it's cool?! WTF?!?!? Justice Ginsburg, I LOVE you, man! ;)


  2. Thanks for your correct viewpoint Carolyn. What really gets me is that this is a MAJOR company being used to promote this agenda as if ALL Americans find it appealing.


  3. Yes!! Very sad, but true--- Our forefathers were against this EXACT thing, intrusions!! :( The 4th Amendment is dead, not unlike America..very sad day for US.

  4. Who cares just keep the commercial the weather girl is hot...


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