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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Could The Wealth Of A Few Men Save The System From Collapse?

As Barfsters probably know, the economic situation in Greece is feared to have the possibility to start a domino effect worldwide and to set off .... who knows what..... a great depression perhaps. Seems that Greece needs about 160 billion or so - just like last year.

Then the BS thought occurred, how many of the wealthiest men in the world does it take to have a valuation of 160B - turns out, it takes the worlds richest THREE men - out of the worlds 1,000+ billionaires (who are worth about 4.5 Trillion bucks). Wouldn't it be in these powers that be's interest to keep the system afloat?

Are the backs of future generations the place to look to prop up the system and pay it back? Barf or Stew - Up to You.
Oh, in other Barf Stew - name a country with free health care and education, low crime, no unemployment - Barf or Stew?
Ready for another link to Neanderthal activity via that cool new blog I'm monitoring for you? - Neanderthal use of coal - - wonder if they made stew?
The Humans Who Went Extinct: Why Neanderthals Died Out and We Survived
The Neanderthals (Peoples of the Ancient World)
Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals: 100,000 Years of Lost HistoryWalking the Gobi: 1,600 Mile-trek Across a Desert of Hope and Despair
Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals: 100,000 Years of Lost History

Speaking of old, --- turns out the Gobi Desert has revealed a grave with a 2,700 year old stash of Pot - - BS.
Here for the daily sexy picture? - Sure - - more via the sidebar.
Let's continue with Dan Mitchell and his perception descriptions of anomalous events - BS.
More UFO stuff - such as THREE MUFON folks seeing UFOs in a matter of days - - Stewable.
See you tomorrow?

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