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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

213,000 New Yorkers - Free Mortgage For Up To The Next 60 Years!

Well, actually 62 years of a backlog of foreclosures - why pay more right? Nothing like a free ride on the house, right? Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside for paying on your mortgage, right? You'd have no needs for directing that mortgage money to other uses, right? --- Yes, folks, THAT is how F'ed up they have the system right now (but still want you to vote for them) - - total Barf to Stew about.
On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System
On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System - the man who said there might NOT be money in the ATM's!
Meanwhile...... Internet Sales Tax Would Cover More Than 460,000 Teacher Salaries: BLS - can you believe this bullshit? The endless need for more taxes to spend by the feds -- hey, how about NOT making bombs or being in over 100 countries with our troops -- how many teachers would that pay for? BARF STEW -
More internet fluff includes - 'Beauties Only' Dating Site Sparks Outrage by Dumping 30,000 Deemed Too Ugly - BS.
Facebook Dating - A guy's only guide to the world's largest online dating site
Speaking of internet beauties - - B.S. Entertains. More Pictures In Archive.
Topless woman on NYC streets -,_Surprise_Shes_An_Internet_Star.html
Like a good intellectual stab at the New Agers? - Souls On The Moon And Other Nonsense - - Dan Mitchell strikes again. Oh, check out the comment from MUZ too (a UDCC regular). Stewable.
Art And Soul: Reflections On An Artistic Psychology
Art And Soul: Reflections On An Artistic Psychology
What were you doing on 4-20?

Bookmark and return - or send this link to a friend. Down this page are the `labels' to many unique stories I know you'd love - give it a try.
Careers for New Agers & Other Cosmic Types
Careers for New Agers & Other Cosmic Types

New Spirituality, Self, and Belonging: How New Agers and Neo-Pagans Talk about Themselves (Religion in the Age of Transformation) (collectors item)

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